Florida Comprehensive Home Inspections Contractors. Here is a list of things Team Tripp, LLC. has seen that were in new homes that had been inspected by local building officials as well as the construction supervisor when it was ready to occupy.

  • Windows that had the sills sloped toward the building which overtime would cause water infiltration.
  • Sagging ductwork, ready to collect condensing water which could result in health hazards.
  • Improper installation of  insulation in the attic that did not meet standards and would result in ongoing higher utility costs.
  • Improperly located air vents or rooms without vents as well as inadequately sized HVAC systems.
  • Unfinished areas with exposed wiring that could result in fires.
  • Poor quality workmanship
  • Products not installed according to manufacturers specification which could invalidate the warranty.

You have a great deal of leverage before you pay the builder the final portion of the fee. Having attended your inspection and then getting our written report will give you the knowledge and confidence to get the crucial items taken care of in order to protect yourself.

Team Tripp Contracting, LLC. will walk you through a fair and thorough inspection that identifies defects and potential problem areas. Our goal is to explain to you how your home works using building science principles. The more you know about your home the more comfortable, healthy and sustainable it becomes. During this home inspection service, we’ll inspect numerous critical areas such as:

  • Structural System
  • Exterior
  • Roof System
  • Plumbing System
  • Electrical System
  • Heating System
  • Air Conditioning Systems
  • Interior
  • Insulation and Ventilation
  • Fireplaces
  • Solid Fuel Burning Appliances



7027 W. Broward Boulevard – Suite 387
Plantation, Florida 33317
